Brit Brit Still Isn't Done With Femme Fatale!

Time to get a move on, you guys!
Britney Spears just debuted the cover art for her new album, Femme Fatale, today, but according to Hold It Against Me producerDr. Luke, he, the singer, songwriter Billboard, and longtime collaborator Max Martin are still unsure about what tracks will make the final cut upon its March 15th release date!
He explains:
"It's not done. We're in the middle of it right now. It's a little bit fluid right now. I can't even say at this stage what songs for sure are making it and what songs aren't. We're working with a lot of producers and overseeing it with her A&R and record label and management and trying to make something cohesive. Britney's really fast. She gets it done."
We certainly hope so! They've set the precedent with Hold It Against Me, and we want A LOT more where that came from!
Dr. Luke also went on to explain that originally, that track was supposed to go to Katy Perry!
He reveals:
"We might have played it for her, but it definitely wasn't a Katy Perry record. We had it for a while. I wanted to make sure it didn't sound like everything else I've done. I brought it into Billboard, and he just killed it. It can be hard in the verse, and the bridge is super, super hard, but the chorus is super-pop. You can play that chorus acoustically on a guitar and it's still going to sound great."
Wow! We can't even begin to imagine how it would have ended up sounding with her creative input!
It would have been an entirely different sound, and ultimately, we're glad it went to our Brit Brit! She really made it her own and used it to expand upon what we're used to hearing from her creatively!
Let's hope that ultimately, whatever songs make it onto Femme Fatale hold true to that direction!