This is Ismail Shahid the king of pashto comedy. Ismail Shahid Biography and life story, Best photos of Ismail Shahid.
Ismael Shahid has worked in P.T.V as well as in A.V.T Khyber, and also worked over the 200 hundred pashto CD's dramas.
He worked in some pashto cinema scope movies. Ismail Shahid and Sayd Rehman Shino are two legends of pashto comedy history. these tow are have deferent and outstanding styles in pashto comedy. Ismail Shahid's work is so beautiful for pashto drama. He has given the new styles to pashto drama industry. He is currently working on pashto C.D dramas. His famous telefilms are , Lewane de karam 2009, Gobal da khwakhe aw engor 2007, Roti khlas 2001 stage drama, Hawaldar badada 2010.