Eee PC 1215P 12-incher spotted with mammalian Ubuntu -- Engadget
Looks like Asus might be expanding its range of Linux-based netbooks for our delectation. In addition to the Meego and Ubuntu 10-inch models we've.

12 Wiretaps Gone Wrong
The current News of the World phone hacking scandal isn't the only heinous example of wiretapping crimes against the unsuspecting public. While deleting voicemails of a missing ager is a very serious accusation, ...

VIDEO: Breakfast with Bernie, stage 12: We're in green, now
Brian Holcombe chats with HTC-Highroad's Bernie Eisel.

VIDEO: Finish-line analysis, stage 12: It keeps adding and adding รข€¦
Finish-line analysis, stage 12: It keeps adding and adding ...

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