One more time, for the cheap seats in the back: Kate Gosselin is a single mother, and she does what she’s gotta do to take care of her 8 kids, as she told Jay Leno last night on “The Tonight Show.”
“I feel like I say this a lot, and for whatever reason, I feel like I have to defend myself,” Gosselin told Leno. “The truth is, moms work - single moms work. I travel and work and that's my job, and I’m very grateful and fortunate to have a job. When work comes my way I only do it so I can literally put food on the table and send my kids to school.”
But what about her ex-husband, Jon? What does he do for a living? Gosselin’s response: a confused look followed by “Ummm…I don’t know.”
Leno pushed a little harder - does Jon have a job? “Not that I’m aware of,” she said.
But he is around to take care of the kids when Gosselin is away. Right now, Gosselin spends three days a week in Los Angeles for her "Dancing With The Stars" job while the kids stay home in Pennsylvania. “The beauty of my job, it’s very varied. I’m an author, I’m a TV person, I’m a dancer, [DWTS fans: she did say this with uncertainty] so a lot of it I can build around my schedule,” she told Leno. “A lot of the time Jon will be there with the kids or some of the time taking care of the kids while I’m gone.”
However she may feel about her ex-husband, Gosselin doesn’t reveal it in her book, “I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Life and Family.”
“One of the things I like about your book is that you’re reasonably fair and quite kind to your husband because he’s still the dad and the kids will read it,” Leno said.
“I won’t ever write anything nasty because the book to me is like a print interview. I don’t want my kids to be able to get a hold of that and [read] bad things,” Gosselin said. “I came up with the title because I say all the time; I’m a traveling, working mom that brings a certain amount of guilt. I always say, I just want my kids to know that I love them.”