Ashwariya Rai’s commitment to Robot came in for some heavy discussion yesterday. Nearly all sections of the media had recently carried reports of Ash being offered the female lead role in Robot for an astounding sum, making her the top paid actress in the entire country. But only yesterday reports were floating around of Ash pulling out of the
Aishwarya Rai
movie, citing her pregnancy as a reason. Robot, a 24 month project, was too long a time for her to be away from home, seemed to be the implication.
Dispelling these reports strongly, Ash today said that she is committed to Robot; that she admires Shankar for always being a step ahead of any other filmmaker when it came to making cutting edge techno savvy movies. Excited about working with Rajinikanth, she had nothing but praise for him. Rajini is an institution personified, she added, and she would never miss out on an opportunity to work with him.
And here’s further proof of Ash’s commitment to the film industry: The actress, along with her husband Abhishek Bachchan, will star in one more Mani Ratnam film. And no! This is not a Tamil film but Hindi.
movie, citing her pregnancy as a reason. Robot, a 24 month project, was too long a time for her to be away from home, seemed to be the implication.
Dispelling these reports strongly, Ash today said that she is committed to Robot; that she admires Shankar for always being a step ahead of any other filmmaker when it came to making cutting edge techno savvy movies. Excited about working with Rajinikanth, she had nothing but praise for him. Rajini is an institution personified, she added, and she would never miss out on an opportunity to work with him.
And here’s further proof of Ash’s commitment to the film industry: The actress, along with her husband Abhishek Bachchan, will star in one more Mani Ratnam film. And no! This is not a Tamil film but Hindi.